Monday, November 16, 2009

Hello from Helen, Christy & Brooke

Well, hello!

Oooh the first post on a new blog - always going to be tricky (especially when you are used to Wordpress and haven't used Blogger before!)

You readers will probably recognise Brooke, Christy and I from our respective nail blogs. However, something we have realised we all have in common, aside from a living, breathing need for all things glitter, is that we love to cook.

So here you have a blog for all the foody things that we create in our spare time. Worry not as the nail blogs are going to continue as usual, but we thought it might be nice to have a place where we can share our creations, recipes and ideas - like a one stop shop for any of you looking for some foodie inspiration.

One small warning. It might not be advisable to read this blog if you're feeling a little bit peckish!

Helen, Christy & Brooke


Lacquer Laine said...

OMG!!! I Love all you girls! I AM SO EXCITED ABOUT THISSSS!!!!!

it's refreshing too to have a different creative angle from you ladies besides nails!

Congrats on the blog! I can't wait!

Stiletto said...

Why thanks Elaine!
I think it's safe to say that we all love ya back!

L said...

Congrats, ladies! Good luck with this!

Unknown said...

yay 3 of my favorite ladies :D

Stiletto said...

L and KellieGonzo,

Thank you ladies!
{{{Big Hugs}}}

Nessa said...

How awesome! I am excited for all of you! Can't wait for the recipes...

booksnchocolate said...

Congrats, ladies! Can't wait for the recipes.

Brooke said...

TO ALL - Thank you all for coming over here and supporting us girls in yet another blog for you to keep up with! We love you all for it though :)

Liz (iceomatic's nails) said...

YES!! I love this!! Cooking is my other passion too! I can't wait to see what you will cook up. :)

PolishPig said...

Great idea, I'm a follower from start!

I hope to see a lot of low carb recipies Cristy, I'm on this (diet) way of living since february and it works great for me. I'll be happy to give you a recipy or two of my own if you'd like.

PolishPig said...

Mehh, sorry my clumsy fingers, of course it is: Christy!